We are committed to ensuring that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to prevent, find, treat, and survive cancer – regardless of income, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, or where they live.

We identify the most promising avenues for research to address what is not known today and act on what is proven to work and ensure everyone has an opportunity to benefit.

Key Features of Project ECHO

  1. AMPLIFICATION: Use technology to leverage scarce resources
  2. BEST PRACTICES: Share best practices to reduce disparities
  3. CASE-BASED LEARNING: Clinical care providers present de-identified patient cases to the expert team and their peers to discuss treatment strategies, and learn from each other in a peer-to-peer learning health network
  4. DATA: Evaluate, monitor and improve outcomes

To learn more, visit the ECHO Institute

Contact the ECHO Team

To learn more about ACS Project ECHO, please send us an email at echo@cancer.org.

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